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This episode is brought to you by cookies! Oh, and we talk with Mike Girard about the launch of the Games Workshop products at Mesa Comics, as well as nerdery in general.
05:13 - GenCon threatens to move out of Indianapolis
09:36 – X-Files return is officially announced by Fox
11:55 – Chrononauts movie rights picked up by Universal
17:40 – Interview with Mike Girard
13:19 – Stripwired – “Drop the Bomb”
28:00 – Jessy Moss – “NYC”
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]]>The post The Blogadin Webcast – 3-17-2014 appeared first on The Blogadin.
]]>So this post and the one for 3/24 were uploaded to the site weeks ago, but apparently I’m an idiot and still can’t remember to publish the posts versus save them as drafts. In this case it’s in terribly bad form on my part since I was trying to help push The Doubleclicks’ tour and the Widow’s Web Kickstarter campaign, the latter of which is now over. Frankly, that’s awful, and I am deeply and genuinely sorry! I’ve no excuse to offer…only the episode that was. Happy listening!
05:25 - Dice Tower announces the next game in their Essentials lineup
08:43 – GF9 announces new products
07:49 – Con Man Web Series
10:41 – New costumes debuted for DC characters
15:40 – Kovalic-drawn game announcements
19:50 – The Doubleclicks interview
50:41 – Raven Gregory/Autumn Ivy interview
16:46 – The Doubleclicks – “The Middle”
40:08 – Absolution Project – “Vindictive”
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]]>The post The Blogadin Webcast – 3-10-2015 appeared first on The Blogadin.
]]>This week’s podcast is brought to you by my Twitter word cloud (I’m @TheBlogadin over on the bluebird site, if you’re into that kind of thing). Games is the word I most often use on that thing…go figure! In any case, this week I chat up Chris Leder about his latest game & Kickstarter campaign, Trainmaker, plus I bring you the latest news & notes from the week that was. Also, I chat briefly on the drama that happened this past week in the hobby gaming world regarding sexism, and how to not use Twitter.
Fair warning – next week’s show will be streamed while I’m in Las Vegas for the GAMA Trade Show. I don’t yet know if I’ll be pre-recording the entire thing or if I’ll be doing a portion of it live, but I DO know two of next week’s guests are The Doubleclicks, as well as Raven Gregory and Autumn Ivy from Broken Butterfly Comics & their new comic book, Widow’s Web.
xx:xx – BGGCon Registration is open
xx:xx – Sony announces Ghosbusters for guys
xx:xx – MLP CCG’s 4th expansion releases in May
11:30 – Pretty Pretty Smash Up now available in stores
12:35 – Valeria: Card Kingdoms Kickstarter campaign
17:53 – Interview with Chris Leder
38:40 – Sexism, the gaming world, and how not to use Twitter
13:15 – Black Lab – “Without You”
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]]>The post The Blogadin Webcast – 03-03-2015 appeared first on The Blogadin.
Hey, a new episode! Where have I been all your li…errr, for the past few weeks? Whelp, I did actually record an episode two weeks ago, but it’s only up on my Mixlr show reel (because life, and I’ve been a touch lazy). Other than that, it’s just life and busy-ness that’s kept me out of the studio. But now it’s back to business!
This week’s episode has a number of tidbits from the week that was, plus I dive into a topic that I’ve been avoiding for over a month now, but we need to talk about.
07:30 – The Doubleclicks return to the Valley
09:40 - Kittens went ‘splodee all over the Kickstarter recordbooks
12:58 - Blood Rage hits Kickstarter, funds in 2 minutes
18:07 - Blizzard introducing subscription items into World of Warcraft
21:40 – Broken Butterfly Comics launches Widow’s Web Kickstarter
28:18 – Help The Kids!
24:38 – Nick Black – “Sorry”
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]]>The post The Blogadin Webcast – 02-03-2015 appeared first on The Blogadin.
]]>This week I ended up talking with some fantastic guests – Mike Selinker & Gaby Weidling from Lone Shark Games, and Chris Leder from Calliope Games. Fortnuately their personality and talent made up for my recurring lapses in focus. As a semi-amateur (you know, the step between amateur and semi-professional) web radio host I do try to keep some semblance of professionalism during the show. Being that this isn’t my day job, however, and I’m a nerdy fan like many of you, sometimes it’s difficult to keep that focus when you’re talking with guests who you’re a fan of. This was just one of those weeks. Mike “The Muffin Man” Selinker kept me on my toes, but man was it a great time trying to keep up with him! It sounds like all three will be back on the program at some point – Chris will probably be on sooner than later, as he’s got a couple projects being let out of the bag fairly shortly. Stay tuned for more info!
06:07 – AOL pulls the plug on all enthusiast blogs, including
08:30 – Character cast of the live action Teen Titans show announced
13:03 – New game announcements from Stronghold Games and AEG, now with 100% less Kickstarter!
17:55 - Interview with Mike Selinker and Gaby Weidling
46:55 - Interview with Chris Leder
15:06 - The Doubleclicks – “Will They or Won’t They”
41:49 – American Heartbreak – “Rotten Apple”
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]]>The post The Blogadin Webcast – 01-27-2015 appeared first on The Blogadin.
]]>The Titans Meeple – Image Courtesy of Calliope Games
After months of anticipation and weeks of recording, planning, waiting, and general impatiented-ness (I can make up words because I have a degree in English), Titans Tuesday is finally here! Or, more accurately, was here, because now it’s Titans Thursday! This week I talk to Ray Wehrs, President of Calliope Games, about their upcoming line of gateway games, the Titan Series. Additionally, I chat a little bit with one of the game designers tapped to make a game for the Titan Series, Paul Peterson. Both of those interviews, plus all the news of the week from the nerd and hobby gaming world – and there was a plethora of it!
(Note – During the interview with Ray, you’ll hear him refer to me as “Scott”. He was introduced to me by my middle name. What can I say…my mother liked ice skating.)
(Note 2 – Calliope Games announced yesterday that the Kickstarter campaign for the Titan Series has been rescheduled.)
02:32 – Exploding Kittens blew up on the Kickstarter and hobby gaming scene
05:18 – Tiny Epic Galaxies continues to do well on Kickstarter, sets Gamelyn Games records for backers and funding
07:26 – Fun to 11 collaborates with AEG to bring Epic PvP: Fantasy to Kickstarter
10:40 – GenCon’s housing portal pulls a whoopsie this weekend
13:12 – Enterplay announces new organized play formats and bans for My Little Pony CCG
15:25 – Enterplay’s Sr. Game Developer Trevor McGregor (@OriginalTMac) spoiled a MLP:CCG card
15:44 – Fox announces plans for a live action X-Men television series
22:20 – Titan Series overview
24:20 – Interview with Ray Wehrs, President of Calliope Games
48:30 – Interview with Titan Series game designer Paul Peterson
17:49 – Lily Sparks – “Stars”
45:23 – Superbeing – “Down in Flames”
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]]>The post The Blogadin Webcast – 01-20-2015 appeared first on The Blogadin.
]]>This week we talk about deflated footballs…err, wait, no we don’t. Okay, maybe a little bit. This week it ended up being all news and notes from the week! There were simply some huge stories that broke from Wizards and Marvel on Monday and Tuesday, all of which warranted a good amount of attention. And don’t forget that next week’s show is Titans Tuesday, where we discuss the big Titans Series Kickstarter campaign from Calliope Games and talk to some of the people involved with the effort, including Ray Wehrs, President of Calliope Games, and game designer Paul Peterson of Magic and Smash-Up fame. Can’t wait!
08:55 – Renegade Game Studios teams up with Foxtrot Games to co-publish Lanterns: The Harvest Festival
13:20 – Wizards makes a major update to the Magic: The Gathering banned/restricted list
23:19 – Wizards announces the next Dungeons & Dragons storyline & related products
33:35 – Marvel announces Secret Wars, the end of everything, and the genesis of Battleworld
18:48 – Valley Lodge – “Naked City”
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]]>The post The Blogadin Webcast – 01/13/2015 appeared first on The Blogadin.
]]>They called you undeserving. They called you an underdog. Now they can call you something else. #justdoit
— Nike Football (@usnikefootball) January 13, 2015
THE Ohio State University Buckeyes…national football champions!!! Mmmm…can you taste that? That’s the taste of victory right there! Since we won the game, this week’s show – as promised – features a heaping helping of Ohio State marching band music, so don’t be alarmed by the lack of the normal riffs, and feel free to use the slider to move along to something more appealing if band music damages your finer musical sensibilities.
As for topics, we bring to you Michael Coe of Gamelyn Games and publisher of Tiny Epic Galaxies (currently destroying the universe in Kickstarter – if you haven’t pledged for it yet, do it now!) – an interview that came together twelve minutes before the show went live thanks to a spam filter or other email assassin somewhere in the ether, but when you have an opportunity to get a guy like Michael on the show, you do it! As it turns out, both of us had been trying to communicate with the other for weeks, but for whatever reason, emails simply weren’t making it back and forth between the two parties. Many thanks to him for appearing on the show, for being persistent, and for ultimately being gracious to me when the interview finally came together! I also chat about some significant changes to GenCon housing and registration, and how labels in games may be more damaging than helpful.
05:55 – Gencon announces registration and housing changes
10:10 – Marvel’s Star Wars #1 debuted 1/13, already is best selling comic of 2015
10:30 – Mesa Comics
14:12 - Interview with Michael Coe, President of Gamelyn Games and publisher of Tiny Epic Galaxies
35:15 – Labels in gaming
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]]>The post The Blogadin Webcast – 01-06-2015 appeared first on The Blogadin.
]]>Mysterium by Portal Games
First, my apologies for not updating the site in so long! On one hand, I desperately needed the break; on the other, I do have a commitment to you – my listeners and fans! – to keep the content coming. Hopefully I can be forgiven for taking a holiday hiatus. That brings us, of course, to the first show of the new year – Happy New Year!
Today’s show features a review of Mysterium by Portal Games and a preview of the Dungeons Defenders 2 video game (currently in pre-alpha), as well as the usual news of the week (or, in this case, month).
06:05 – I won Quantum from Passport Game Studios thanks to your votes!
10:55 – The release date for Gambit has been announced
11:15 – Cards Against Humanity Holiday Bullshit Puzzle was solved
21:44 – Preview of things to come on The Blogadin Webcast
28:53 – Mysterium from Portal Games
36:29 – Dungeon Defenders 2 from TrendyNet
17:35 – Granian - “Mark My Words”
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]]>The post The Blogadin Webcast – 12-09-2014 appeared first on The Blogadin.
]]>Image Credit: Phoenix Comicon, Copyright 2010, 2014
This week brings us Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest 2014 at University of Phoenix Stadium – yay! To help get us prepared for the event, Jillian Squires from Phoenix Comicon dropped in to talk a little bit about the upcoming festivities. Also, I continue a discussion about whether or not Magic: The Gathering belongs in the pantheon of “classic” games. Also, congrats to Arizona’s first Preliminary PTQ winner – Zack Freeman – with his Abzan Reanimator deck!
04:18 – Arizona Preliminary PTQ discussion, including the PPTQ coming up on Saturday, 12/13 at Play or Draw
05:35 – Emergents: Genesis DBG Kickstarter
06:08 – Modern Masters 2015 / Grand Prix Las Vegas
09:48 – Cards Against Humanity Holiday Bullshit Puzzle
13:26 – Casting of Suicide Squad
19:40 – Is Magic: The Gathering a “classic” game?
33:57 – Interview with Jillian Squires, Director of Public Relations for Phoenix Comicon
55:30 – Game night at the Casa Del Blogadin
15:53 - Jesse Malin – “Prisoners of Paradise”
28:18 - Sex and Patriotism – “Fit 2 b Tied”
50:38 – Dead Against the Rest – “White Ace”
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